Dimensional Blonde

You want a natural looking color, but you don’t want your natural color, per se. Ask your colorist to blend in highlights with your own natural base, and don’t let them go more than 2-3 levels higher than your natural shade. Not only will you end up with a dimensional hue, but you’ll get the longest wear out of the color as it grows out.

A lovely before and after example of this was done by Erin McKay, based out of the 901 Salon in Los Angeles.

BEFOREhair color makeovers before and after

AFTERhair color trends 2015 - hair before and after blog

Buttered Wheat Toast Blonde

Buttered Wheat Toast Blonde – a hair color name a little more fun than just saying ‘dark blonde’ or ‘very light brunette’. Perfect example done by Evelyn Bilauca at the Jonathan & George Salon. What color would you call this shade?

darker blonde with highlights